Time for Fall Brooding!

We got 200 day-old pullet chicks today. Fall’s a good time to brood chicks if you’re not in a particularly hard climate. The weather gets cooler as the chicks get bigger and more cold-tolerant, which works really well. These chicks will start laying before Easter.

Lots of people have had great experiences with fall brooding after reading my book, Success With Baby Chicks, which goes into year-round brooding in great detail.

I Publish Books! Norton Creek Press

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Author: Robert Plamondon

Robert Plamondon has written three books, received over 30 U.S. patents, founded several businesses, is an expert on free-range chickens, and is a semi-struggling novelist. His publishing company, Norton Creek Press, is a treasure trove of the best poultry books of the last 100 years. In addition, he holds down a day job doing technical writing at Workspot.

2 thoughts on “Time for Fall Brooding!”

  1. Don,

    They’re California Whites from Privett Hatchery in Portales, NM. California Whites are a cross between a commercial White Leghorn and a California Gray (an unusual breed that most people have never heard of, developed by Prof. James Dryden here in the Corvallis area, the first person to prove that you can increase egg production by selective breeding — which is harder than it looks). They’re a little bigger and a little less panicky than a standard commercial Leghorn.

    The bedding is a thin layer of new wood shavings on top of a deeper layer of old ones.

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